
Grupo Sauber ganha velocidade nas pistas com a marca de tintas premium R-M®

"A F1 é um empreendimento extremamente complexo. Colocar o carro na pista requer muita inovação e desenvolvimento. Os principais fatores são desempenho, tecnologia e sustentabilidade. É por isso que na Sauber estamos sempre à procura das melhores tecnologias e parceiros que possam atender aos nossos altos padrões de qualidade e tecnologia”, diz Axel Kruse, diretor de operações da Sauber Motorsport AG.
Axel Kruse



As the pinnacle of motorsport, Formula One has often been the testing ground for new technologies which have been subsequently become the standard in the automotive industry. Sauber Group’s Alfa Romeo F1 Team Stake will rely on R-M’s paint expertise to apply its products on high-tech materials such as titanium and carbon fiber, reducing the weight of paint on its cars and surpassing all eco-effectiveness standards in the industry. The Alfa Romeo F1 Team Stake C43 is painted using R-M’s eco-friendly, lightweight, innovative paint line AGILIS, whose logo is sported on the floor line of the team’s 2023 Formula One World Championship challenger. Discover the key features from our customer story.
Technical team

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